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Tír na nÓg
A Thesis by Wren Sullivan

When researching my thesis topic, I focused on Celtic mythology. I find Celtic mythology particularly interesting because the myths have been passed down orally. Unlike Greek mythology, for example, Celtic myths are not typically written down, and this allows for the myths to change over time to match the current society’s ideas. I researched and found a few myths like the tale of Bean-Nighe, the goddess Áine, and the stories of the selkies, amongst others that I then reimagined through a 21st century lens. Some stories have already begun shifting to match our modern ideas surrounding gender, sexuality, and other ideas. For example, Áine is the goddess of summer and the fae. She is often thought to be asexual and a lesbian by scholars. While it is unlikely that the ancient Celts imagined her this way, she has shifted over the years to match modern views. As a person of Celtic heritage, I love the way the myths are able to morph and fit all walks of life.

My actual thesis project is a blue sky theme park design. In the entertainment design profession, “blue sky” means the designs before budget and physics are brought into the picture. Basically, the sky is the limit. I created a small theme park with rides, food, stores, and a meet and greet, and designed the overall park layout. In addition, I created some of the characters from the stories. These characters act as potential meet and greet characters who would wander the park. I drew and 3D modeled the full park and fabricated the castle using foam, wood, and other miscellaneous materials. The final outcome is a concept book along with a three foot tall model of the castle. 

The ideas for all of the rides, food stands, stores, and meet and greets came from the Celtic myths I researched and reimagined. I used parts of the stories in my designs. For example, The Kelpie’s Bite is a quick service stall based on the story of Owen, the mad scientist, who is trying to convince everyone that kelpies are real. There are bits and pieces of his story woven into the actual design of the building. Theoretically, fans of Owen’s story could find these easter eggs and feel more immersed in the world. There is also a clothing shop where park goers can buy their wearable merchandise. This is themed after Iso the changeling. Changelings are fae beings that are switched by fairies with human children. The changeling fits in seamlessly with humans, but as they grow older it becomes more obvious that they do not fit in. Iso is a changeling who is on the cusp of realizing her fae nature. The story I came up with for her is a coming of age story. The shop itself is based on her because of the ability she possesses to shapeshift into other creatures.

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